Saturday, August 22, 2020


When was the last time you noticed your ears?" 

I remember when Pam Formosa, the owner/director of Brain Fit Academy asked this question of myself and my teacher colleagues. She had come to the school where I was teaching at the time to present a workshop about Brain Gym® in the classroom and was teaching us how to do the activity called "Thinking Caps"- an activity where you massage your ears.

Actually, I should say that my principal and I invited Pam to come to my school that day. I had recently started working as a coach for Brain Fit and I wanted my fellow teachers to also learn about and understand the benefits of using Brain Gym® with their students- since I found the program to be so powerful!

Anyway, we were "noticing". In this case- our ears.  Noticing what our ears felt like. Noticing what the sound coming in was like. Noticing what our ears were doing-just noticing. 

Our ears!

In response to Pam's question "When was the last time you noticed your ears", I remember thinking- "Um, like never before Brain Fit came into my life?!?"

Now, today, as a coach at Brain Fit, and having gone through many classes, balances with Pam, and working with my own clients, I've "noticed" plenty of times.  And, I've helped my clients "notice" too.

Noticing helps us to change.  Noticing helps us be aware of what is happening in our brain and body.  Noticing helps us to see what needs to be worked on. And, among other benefits- noticing helps us see positive changes.

At Brain Fit- when we work with clients, we notice.  We might "notice" to see what reflex needs to be worked on that day and how our bodies are moving through the motor patterns of the reflex. We might "notice" emotions, or feelings in our body, or the way we are moving though the midlines of the body. We might "notice" how our body felt when engaging in a certain activity.  We might "notice" what activities are hard for us.

Noticing brings awareness.  

And awareness brings change. 

Now, the other thing we do when we notice? We do it without judgement or worry. We teach the kids this- "notice without judgement or worry". In fact, it's one of Brain Fit's guiding principles!

For some, noticing can be tricky. Just like me being asked to notice my ears- when was the last time a child was asked to notice things like:

  • How do your feet feel? 
  • Do you notice any tension or tight spots in your neck? 
  • Was that activity easy, hard or too hard? 

As Brain Fit coaches, we actually have noticing "cards". This small, visual, "book" has different cards that can help children to notice.  For example, there is a card that says "How did your body feel?" and has four child-like figures and corresponding choices such as "tired" and "coordinated". There's another card that asks "How was your speed?". And again- 4 visual figures and options such as: "quick and smooth" and "too slow". These cards are a great tool and we use them frequently.  I find that as my clients expand their ability to "notice" they start to offer their own observations as we go through a session.  Again- no worry or judgement- just noticing.

Noticing is important. Noticing can be tricky for some- but can be taught. Noticing brings awareness and change.

Noticing- is powerful.

When was the last time you noticed your ears?!?