Monday, June 29, 2020

The Big Green Ball

There it lay- on the carpet, half of the air out of it, deflated and saggy. It was my Big Green Ball. Yes, I actually named it that. 

It's one of those really large rubbery-type balls that people use for yoga, sitting on or for different exercises? You know what I mean, right?

I sat there and looked at it and I could literally hear the song "Funeral March" in my head. The ball was gone. It had passed on to another world, gone over the rainbow bridge to the great ball heaven in sky.

I know what you're thinking- it's just an exercise ball. 
This woman is writing a blog post about an exercise ball!
Has she gone off her rocker?!?

But, you see- that ball, that seemingly magical ball was my all-time favorite "prop" (for lack of a better word) for using with Brain Fit Clients.

That ball lived in the back of my car for months, until COVID-19 happened and it came in the house to rest and be used by my own kids. It was such a fixture in the back seat of my car that I often joked about drawing a face on it and pretending it was a passenger!

So-you're probably wondering. Just what is it that's so special about that Big Green Ball? 

That ball was able to:
  • Entice kids into just the right positions for Primitive Reflex Integration.
  • Give vestibular input for the many children who would bounce endlessly on it during our sessions.
  • It helped me to incorporate rhythmic movements- getting more rhythm into the body.
  • It allowed me to get creative while working on reflexes such as the MORO, TLR, ATNR, STNR and Landau.
  • It would help my client and I to play, give proprioceptive input and was just plain FUN!
You see, if you ask Pam Formosa (the director) or any coach at Brain Fit Academy, they will tell you the same thing.  The body knows what it needs.  We see this in multiple ways when working with clients.  We see it when we muscle check.  We see it when we give clients a balloon or a toy and they seem to "know" exactly how to use it to integrate the very reflex they need to on that day.

But that Big Green Ball- that magical tool, would help facilitate that for me!
  • I can't even tell you how many Brain Fit movement activities I am able to do with kids on that ball.
  • I can't count the number of times that kids have melted into rhythmic movements while on that ball (with the parent looking on in awe). 
  • I can't believe the number of times that ball has been requested- by client after client- wanting me to bring it for our sessions.
That Big Green Ball.  My Big Green Ball. Sitting there on the ground in front of me. Flat and unusable.  

The first thing I did?
I took a picture to remember it.

I started looking for a new ball to replace it.

And, you know what? The new ball may not end up being green this time.  But that's ok. It's ok because it will still be seemingly "magical". It will still help me with my work with Brain Fit Clients, and it will still come to live in the back seat of my car and will attend countless sessions with me.

And, who knows? Maybe this time I actually will draw a face on it.

After all, I'm going to get to know it really, really well.

Friday, June 26, 2020


As we get older, we sometimes forget to play.  Everyone (myself included) are so busy. We're working, driving the kids to their sports, clubs, or friends' houses, running errands and just generally trying to keep up with ourselves.

And then recently, COVID-19 happened. The pandemic that helped (and continues to help) many people remember how to play.

At Brain Fit Academy, we always play. We actually put it on our "schedule" for when we work with kids.  You see, we're all about reorganizing and working with the brain right? Integrating primitive reflexes, getting both brain hemispheres to work better together, setting up our brain and body system for whatever goals we have set.

And if we play those brain changes can happen faster! 

Do you want to know why? It's because the brain changes more when in a state of joy.  And what does play bring? Joy of course!

So- we play! 
We play with balloons.  
We play with balls, and beanbags and marble boards.  
We play with rackets and koosh balls and balance boards. 
We play with juggling sticks and chalk and jump ropes 
We play!  

And while we're playing, and laughing and smiling, guess what else is happening? That's right- the brain is changing.  

That brain- that set the goal at the beginning of the session.  
That brain- that guides the movement "work" during our sessions.
That brain- that processes the emotions and information for that child-
is changing.

And the people- the coach and the client, are connecting and trying new things.  
They are challenging each other- How many times can we pass it back and forth? 
They are "noticing"- 
How does is feel if I do this with my other hand?
How does my body feel during this activity? 
Are both sides of my brain working together well?

And you know what else they are doing? They are enjoying the time spent together!

And that brain- that wonderful, amazing, creative, linear, hard-working brain- is changing. Changing and reorganizing itself to help that client. 

And joy- pure, innocent joy- helps make it happen.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Sometimes You Just Get Stuck

Sometimes, you can just get "stuck".  Emotionally stuck.  It may be for a day, a few weeks, or even for years.  
But just- stuck.

This has happened to me- on multiple occasions.  And, I'm sure that many of you can also relate. And you know what? I never realized how stuck I was- and I'm talking for YEARS. 


I just couldn't move past certain emotions.  I couldn't get past certain events, or let them go from my thoughts. And as I moved through life, I took it day-by-day, hour by hour.  But I was stuck!

The thing I learned from working at Brain Fit Academy- well, one of the first things I learned, is that movement- intentional movement, can help get you un-stuck.

You see, at Brain Fit, we move our bodies in intentional ways- with a goal in mind, to "un-stick" what got stuck.  We re-organize our system- the brain and body system, to move us through and past what got us stuck. It's not always easy.  And it can certainly be (emotionally) messy sometimes- but it works.  It really, really works.

Sometimes, those movements are developmental type movements- to integrate primitive reflexes.  And sometimes they are movements that help us cross the midlines of our bodies or to calm and reduce stress using Brain Gym® activities. Or maybe, they are movements that come from the Rhythmic Movement Training program- that helps bring rhythm back into the body.  

Any (and all) of these can help a person- be they a child, a teen or an adult- to move forward in life, to feel better and happier, to un-stick the emotions or thoughts and continue on in life.

Life isn't about being stuck.  It isn't about living day-to-day, it isn't about being so focused on thoughts that you can't enjoy what is going on around you.

It's about enjoying, and laughing and living in the moment.

I love that I get to do this work with kids.  I love that I can help them get un-stuck and I also love that I have the support system for myself when I need to move forward.

And, by literally moving- is how we do it.  

Friday, June 19, 2020

You Don't Know What you Don't Know

If you'd never heard of an apple, then you wouldn't know to eat one, correct? Or- if you'd never seen or knew that a phone existed, you wouldn't be looking to call your friend from one.

But- what about once you do know about those things? Would you eat the apple if it tasted good and nourished your body? Would you call your friend on the phone if it was handed to you and you could talk to them?

For me, I've had this kind of mantra that I live by over the last few years.  It's a quote by the (late) Maya Angelou:

Once of the most recent ways that this mantra has played a part in my life is when I first learned about Primitive Reflex Integration.  When I first saw a presentation by Brain Fit Academy, and learned about primitive reflexes, I was dumb-struck.  How had I never heard of this before? I was a seasoned teacher, having taught preschoolers all the way through 5th grade.  I had two children, one on the Autism Spectrum.  I was familiar with all sorts of alternative treatments for autism- from diet and supplements to other types of programs and play therapies.  And yet, and YET! I had never even heard about primitive reflexes or Primitive Reflex Integration. It had never once crossed my path.  

I didn't know what I didn't know!

After I attended that presentation I, along with calling Brain Fit Academy ASAP to get my son scheduled for a screening, started my usual.  

What's my usual? Research!  I was no stranger to it, having conducted hours and hours and hours of it to find ways to help my son.  But now, the focus turned to Primitive Reflex Integration.  And sure enough, there was a lot of information out there- just focused much more across Europe, the UK and Australia.  

Again- dumb-struck.  Why on Earth is this information not disseminated to every school, teacher, OT, pre-school and day care? Why are people not told about this "apple" sitting there on the tree just waiting to be picked?? 

I still can't say that I know the answer- as to why we aren't more familiar with this type of movement therapy in the U.S., but I will say this: 

Once I knew better, I had to do better!

And what started my journey of moving my son through the program, and eventually a Brain Fit Coach myself!

When you know better, you know that Primitive Reflex Integration:
  • Is intentional movement to integrate (finish) early motor patterns 
  • Can be powerful and life-changing for kids, teens and adults
  • Is easy to learn and do
  • Can calm anxiety, explosive behaviors and fears
  • Can combine with other modalities such as Brain Gym® to help body control, movement and coordination
  • Can have a huge impact on how kids are able to focus and perform in school
  • Can help make life easier for all that do the work
Let's go back to the apple and the phone.  You're reading this, so now you know better- at least a little bit better.  Are you going to do better? 

Do your own research.  Start with if you want.  Follow us on Facebook, watch our videos on YouTube.  

And when you know even better? 

Give us a call or send us an email.  We'd love to hear from you and will hand you the apple.  It really does taste delicious. 

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The Passion for the Work Led me Here

I've always worked with kids.  It started in junior high school when I would babysit for local neighborhood kids.  When I was a junior in high school I started working after school for an after-school program, working with elementary aged kids.  And my college major? Yup- you guessed it, Elementary Education.  

As of today, I am officially on a one-year leave from my teaching job. After 25 years of teaching a combination of preschool, second grade, fourth grade, second and third grade technology, and, my latest position teaching fourth and fifth grade technology, I came across a new passion. 

The new passion? Brain Fit Academy.

As I mentioned in another blog post, I came to Brain Fit because of my own son. He went through the program and I became a coach for the company within a year- working after school hours with kids and families.  Parents of my clients would ask me- aren't you tired? How can you work a full time job and then work with kids doing this after school too? 

And you know what I would tell them? I would tell them how the work we do energizes me.  I used to joke with Pam Formosa (the owner/director of Brain Fit) that I needed more clients because I needed more energy!

Where does the energy come from? Why does this work still energize me? It's because it's a passion.  A passion to help kids. 
  • A passion to help kids in a different way from what I was doing in public schools.  
  • A passion to help kids feel better about themselves. 
  • A passion to help kids move through difficult times. 
  • A passion to help kids be the person they are meant to be- that they want to be.  
  • A passion to help families struggle less, and smile more.
And you know? I honestly don't think that a year ago, before doing so much Brain Fit work for myself- by taking the adult classes (multiple times!) and doing the movements with my clients, that I would have had the courage or the confidence to do what I did.  The courage or confidence to take a leave of absence in order to pursue this passion and see where it takes me.

I'm trusting the magic of beginnings.  I've seen where it can go- for me and my clients.  It all starts with a beginning, and for me personally and our clients, it starts with a phone call to Brain Fit Academy.

The passion for the work led me here, and the magic of beginnings will show me the way, so that I can continue to help kids and families also find their passions...

...and their smiles. 

Sunday, June 14, 2020

What About the Ones?

I was on Facebook this morning and someone shared this beautiful video of children singing.

And... it got me thinking.

There are so many amazing kids out there. Really, really amazing kids.  And perhaps the ones that we see in these types of videos, and maybe the kids that come straight to mind when we think of that sort of thing- are the ones that are settled.  Maybe they are the ones that are centered and grounded enough with themselves. Maybe they are the ones free of fear and anxiety and feel good enough about themselves that they can perform- knowing that it could perhaps be seen by hundreds or even thousands of people?

But what about this?

What about the ones that struggle to reach their potential? What about the ones that hold back doing the things they love because of fear? What about the ones that don’t have friends because they feel awkward or lack confidence?

What about the beautiful singer whose music we’ll never know because they were too afraid to stand up and sing? Or the amazing speaker that we won’t hear because they were told they'd never be able to write a speech, and therefore speak it?!?

What about them?

Now some may say that it's up to the child.  It's their choice not to participate- their choice not to help themselves, or to push through the fear and "do it anyway".  And perhaps, that may be the case in some instances.  But what if it's not? 

What if a child doesn't even know there is a "choice"?  What if a child doesn't know any different because it's the way they've lived their whole life and they don't even recognize that there could be something different?

What if...we could show them the way?

Show them the way to their greatness.

Show them the way to their possibilities.

Show them the way out of fear and anxiousness and insecurity.

Show them that there can be another way to live life-

to live in a different, and more settled way.

I believe that we can. I believe (and know) that we can help kids gain control of their emotions.  I believe that we can help kids gain confidence and self-acceptance and control over their own bodies.  I believe that we can meet kids where they are in life and move them forward to a place of more joy.

These are the kids that I also want to see doing the things they love.  I want to help them reach their potential.  I want to help them to love who they are and to feel confident enough to stand up and say what they feel (if they so choose).  I want them to know and understand that they can have tools and strategies that can help them throughout their life. I want them to become the best versions of themselves that they can be.

Those kids are amazing too. I want to help them shine.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Thank Goodness We Have Tools

It's June 2020. Unfortunately, these words are commonplace right now:




Remote work & school.


Thank goodness we have tools.  I have tools.  My son has tools, the clients I work with (and other Brain Fit Coaches work with) have TOOLS!

No- not tools like hammers, and saws.  

Movement tools.  
Movements and strategies, and ways to handle stress.

Movements that help reorganize the brain and body for success. Movements that help us to move through a stuck thought, or a stressful moment. Movements that help us to focus, and to enjoy the moment, and to be resilient. Movements that help a difficult time be not as difficult.

Until I became involved in Brain Fit Academy, I never realized how such simple movements could be so powerful.  Simple movements combined with goal-setting and "noticing".  Noticing changes such as noticing subtle differences in thoughts, actions and movement of our bodies. 

Simple movements.
Powerful movements.

Where do these movements come from? At Brain Fit we pull from different modalities- such as Brain Gym®, Primitive Reflex Integration and Rhythmic Movement Training.  Simple, but powerful movements that make changes. 

Movements that (even in the midst of a pandemic) have helped us:

        • Focus before we sit down to work or school 
        • Sleep better at night
        • Reduce our stress levels
        • Reduce tension in our bodies
        • Prepare us for what is to come

I don't know how much longer this pandemic will last, or what the fallout from it will be- 

But thank goodness we have tools.

Friday, June 5, 2020

There's Smiles, but There's Also Tears

I looked up at his mother.  He had just excused himself to go to the bathroom and we both knew why. 

It was so that he could cry-privately.

I had been working with this 10 year old (a different child than in my previous post titled "The Smiles are the Reward") for probably about 4-5 months.  We had been using various modalities including Primitive Reflex Integration and Brain Gym® to get to the root cause of his anxiety.  Although this client was making small gains, his mother and I didn't see a big breakthrough- until that day.

At the beginning of our session, after we did our settling-in activity, we started talking about his goal for that session.  When we work with kids (or adults) at Brain Fit, we always set a goal-an intention- to help the movement activities to be more powerful. 

On that particular day, his mother joined us for the goal-setting piece.  And, as we discussed particular goals, he was making suggestions as to what the goal could be, but we knew there was more- something deeper- that we hadn't gotten to yet.  We'd been working on integrating many different primitive reflexes- but we hadn't gotten to the one I knew he needed- Fear Paralysis.

But- you may be wondering, why not? If I knew he needed to work on Fear Paralysis, why hadn't I done that with him? 

It's because he wasn't ready.  

At Brain Fit, we use a type of Applied Kinesiology we call "muscle checking".  It's a way to get information from your subconscious mind using the reaction of muscles in your body.  Some of you may have experienced it if you've ever been to a chiropractor or wholistic practitioner (some of them use the technique). 

To determine what reflex to work on, we ask the body and mind what it needs on that particular day using various muscle checking techniques.  Until that day-I'd never been told by this client's body (using muscle checking) that it was time to work on Fear Paralysis.

But guess what? After he came back from the bathroom, I did a few movements with him to help him to calm his body and then I muscle checked him to find out the reflex that was needed for that day. guessed it- it was Fear Paralysis.

Those tears, that need to let go- was reached that day.  It opened the door to integrating the Fear Paralysis reflex, and it was the turning point in his treatment.  From that point on, the improvements soared until a few months later we was ready to be released from the program.  

Anxiety? Tremendously improved.

Confidence? Gained.

Happiness? Felt.

I never want to make a client cry- but sometimes, in order to make progress-

The tears need to say what the heart can’t.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

It's Not About Me- But it WAS About Me.

"How are you feeling- about going into client's homes?" Pam asked me as we walked up to a client's front door. "Good!" I replied. "If you asked me that question six months ago, I'm not sure I would have had the same answer, but I'm good!". 

Pam Formosa is the owner/director of Brain Fit Academy, and I had recently started as a Brain Fit Coach.  This conversation took place outside one of my first few client's homes when she was coming to overlap with me for a session as part of my training.

That short little discussion really got me thinking though.  I meant what I said- that six months ago my answer probably would have been different.  Like so many others that come through Brain Fit Academy- kids and adults alike, I had some anxiety and nervousness with certain situations.  For me, going into new environments, with new people, was not something I was a fan of. I wasn't a fan because I knew that I wouldn't be comfortable...

-I knew that it was hard for me to start a conversation with people that I didn't know.
-I knew that meeting new people and going into an unfamiliar situation made me uneasy.
-I knew that I generally shied away from many forms of social interaction.

But that day, as I was walking up to that house, I felt confident.  Yes, I was a little nervous, but no more than anyone would be when starting something new. I was confident, and happy and proud of where I was at that moment.

So- why the difference from six months before?

It's because I had worked on me

As I mentioned in one of my previous posts, I came to Brain Fit because of my son, but the (unexpected) side-effect that happened is that I also changed.  When I started attending the adult classes, not only did we learn how to do the work with kids, but we also applied the movements to ourselves. I went to the classes and worked through so many of my own challenges!

  • I worked on integrating (finishing) many of my own primitive reflexes- learning about myself in the process.
  • I became more aware of the way I dealt with my family and learned better how to "respond" instead of "react". 
  • I started to feel:
    • More comfortable in my own body
    • More confident in my talents and abilities
    • And just generally- more happy!!

So crazy how this world works.  How it leads us to all the places we need to go- even when we didn't even know we needed it.

For me- Brain Fit Academy was that place.

Many people tell me I've changed.  But really, I've just found myself.  

And the funny thing is? I didn't even realize that I was lost...


Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Fear oh Fear oh Fear.

Deer are beautiful, majestic animals, aren't they?  Sleek bodies, stealthy stride and deep, mysterious eyes.  But what happens when deer are afraid? The "deer in the headlights look" we call it.  
The sleek body-frozen
That stealthy stride- stopped in its tracks.
The eyes- a blank stare.

So too- can a child have that look.  That "deer in the headlights look". You probably know someone that gets that look.  Maybe it's your child, a friend's child, or maybe it's even you! Does it happen when they are facing a test? Does it happen when they are in a new environment? Does it happen when a friendly person just simply says "Hello!"?

What is it about this look- this fear? Where does it come from?

I know... 

It comes from one of the most primitive responses humans have- the Fight/Flight/Freeze response.  Recognize that last word? Freeze?? 

That's right- that "deer in the headlights" look can stem from an unintegrated (not finished) Fear Paralysis Reflex- the "freeze" in the Fight/Flight/Freeze.  Meant to protect the mother and fetus during times of stress, this early reflex should complete its job before a baby is even born- giving way to more sophisticated reflexes.  

However, if the Fear Paralysis Reflex doesn't integrate, doesn't finish its job- a child can grow up with difficulties that can make life...make joy...a lot harder.  Difficulties like:
    • Low tolerance for stress
    • Illogical fears
    • Sleeping difficulties
    • Constant feelings of being overwhelmed
    • And yes, even possibly that "deer in the headlights look" when someone simply says "Hello!"
Here's the thing though.  We can do something about it!  We can take the body "back in time" and finish that Fear Paralysis Reflex.  Using intentional movements, we can pick it up where it left off and finish it.  

And what does that do? It helps that frozen, stopped in their tracks, blank stare child to become-

The stealthy, sleek, beautiful being they are meant to be...

And visit us at 


The Smiles are the Reward

-Nothing is more beautiful than a real smile that has struggled through tears.

There were smiles all around as he and his mother told me the news.  He was sleeping in his own room for the first time in over two years!  This ten year old boy had been working with me for about 4-5 months at the time and had been sleeping on a mattress on the floor of his parents bedroom because he was too scared to sleep alone.   

What kind of work had we been doing? We'd been working on something called "Primitive Reflex Integration". "Primitive Reflexes" are early motor patterns that are present in utero through the first few years of life. "Integration" refers to the finishing or completing these movement patterns to make way for more sophisticated, voluntary movements and higher functioning reflexes.  At Brain Fit Academy, we help kids work through these early motor patterns using movement.  More specifically, with this child, I had been using intentional movement to integrate what is known as the Fear Paralysis Reflex.

🤔 Now, you might be saying to yourself- "Wait, she said that those primitive reflexes are present in utero through the first few years of life- so why is a ten year old boy working on that?" 

Although I can't tell you exactly why, I can tell you this...sometimes, for various reasons, primitive reflexes don't "integrate" or finish, when they are supposed to, or they get "stuck". Sometimes, this may be because of lack of movement as a baby, or maybe it has to do with a trauma to the mother or baby.  There are many possible reasons (some that we may never be able to identify).  But here is what I know for sure. When you work to integrate these early motor patterns, things change.

Kids (and adults) can go from:
  • Scared- to more comfortable
  • Shy to confident 
  • Sad to joyful!
Joyful- the smiles.  

The smiles all around are what melted my heart.  The smiles all around are what made me know that I needed to continue with this work.  The smiles are what brought tears of joy to my eyes.

This boy- this ten year old boy, that I was working with was now feeling comfortable enough to sleep in his own room- something he hadn't been able to do in a long, long time.  

The work, is Primitive Reflex Integration.  

The rewards, are the smiles.