Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The Passion for the Work Led me Here

I've always worked with kids.  It started in junior high school when I would babysit for local neighborhood kids.  When I was a junior in high school I started working after school for an after-school program, working with elementary aged kids.  And my college major? Yup- you guessed it, Elementary Education.  

As of today, I am officially on a one-year leave from my teaching job. After 25 years of teaching a combination of preschool, second grade, fourth grade, second and third grade technology, and, my latest position teaching fourth and fifth grade technology, I came across a new passion. 

The new passion? Brain Fit Academy.

As I mentioned in another blog post, I came to Brain Fit because of my own son. He went through the program and I became a coach for the company within a year- working after school hours with kids and families.  Parents of my clients would ask me- aren't you tired? How can you work a full time job and then work with kids doing this after school too? 

And you know what I would tell them? I would tell them how the work we do energizes me.  I used to joke with Pam Formosa (the owner/director of Brain Fit) that I needed more clients because I needed more energy!

Where does the energy come from? Why does this work still energize me? It's because it's a passion.  A passion to help kids. 
  • A passion to help kids in a different way from what I was doing in public schools.  
  • A passion to help kids feel better about themselves. 
  • A passion to help kids move through difficult times. 
  • A passion to help kids be the person they are meant to be- that they want to be.  
  • A passion to help families struggle less, and smile more.
And you know? I honestly don't think that a year ago, before doing so much Brain Fit work for myself- by taking the adult classes (multiple times!) and doing the movements with my clients, that I would have had the courage or the confidence to do what I did.  The courage or confidence to take a leave of absence in order to pursue this passion and see where it takes me.

I'm trusting the magic of beginnings.  I've seen where it can go- for me and my clients.  It all starts with a beginning, and for me personally and our clients, it starts with a phone call to Brain Fit Academy.

The passion for the work led me here, and the magic of beginnings will show me the way, so that I can continue to help kids and families also find their passions...

...and their smiles.