Pam Formosa is the owner/director of Brain Fit Academy, and I had recently started as a Brain Fit Coach. This conversation took place outside one of my first few client's homes when she was coming to overlap with me for a session as part of my training.
That short little discussion really got me thinking though. I meant what I said- that six months ago my answer probably would have been different. Like so many others that come through Brain Fit Academy- kids and adults alike, I had some anxiety and nervousness with certain situations. For me, going into new environments, with new people, was not something I was a fan of. I wasn't a fan because I knew that I wouldn't be comfortable...
-I knew that it was hard for me to start a conversation with people that I didn't know.
-I knew that meeting new people and going into an unfamiliar situation made me uneasy.
-I knew that I generally shied away from many forms of social interaction.
But that day, as I was walking up to that house, I felt confident. Yes, I was a little nervous, but no more than anyone would be when starting something new. I was confident, and happy and proud of where I was at that moment.
So- why the difference from six months before?
It's because I had worked on me.
As I mentioned in one of my previous posts, I came to Brain Fit because of my son, but the (unexpected) side-effect that happened is that I also changed. When I started attending the adult classes, not only did we learn how to do the work with kids, but we also applied the movements to ourselves. I went to the classes and worked through so many of my own challenges!
- I worked on integrating (finishing) many of my own primitive reflexes- learning about myself in the process.
- I became more aware of the way I dealt with my family and learned better how to "respond" instead of "react".
- I started to feel:
- More comfortable in my own body
- More confident in my talents and abilities
- And just generally- more happy!!
So crazy how this world works. How it leads us to all the places we need to go- even when we didn't even know we needed it.
For me- Brain Fit Academy was that place.
Many people tell me I've changed. But really, I've just found myself.
And the funny thing is? I didn't even realize that I was lost...