Sunday, September 27, 2020

We're a Team

When you hire Brain Fit Academy to work with your child, you get a team of people, not just one coach. We like to think of ourselves as a Brain Fit Family, and we like to stick to together like family.

In my blog post, "Everyone is so Different" I talk about how the clients that come to Brain Fit can be so different from each other, yet they all found their way to Brain Fit. The same goes for Brain Fit coaches. 

Pam Formosa (the business owner/director) and all of the coaches all came to Brain Fit for different reasons, and we all bring different strengths to the table. Many of us found our way there because of our own children (like me). Others had family that told them about us, and some just heard about us "through the grape vine". 

It doesn't matter how we got here. What matters is that we are here. 

We are here and we work together to help your child, teen, or adult (if it's you!). Yes, you have one coach that comes to your house and works with your child on a regular basis. Yes, they become your main point of contact. But please know, that we all help each other so that Brain Fit becomes the best support for you-our client (and family!) that we can be.

It's not uncommon for there to be texts and/or phone calls between coaches or between coaches and Pam- asking for creative ideas on how to integrate a certain reflex, or suggestions on how to handle situations that may arise (with integrity and privacy for the family of course). Or maybe the family is in need of educational advocacy support and we refer them to the advocate we have on staff.

There are also times when we call on the help of our fellow coaches in the form of overlaps. In the past, Pam has been very supportive of coaches working together for a session or two, calling on the strengths of fellow coaches to help further a child along. Like I said- we all come with different strengths and utilizing those strengths is how we support our Brain Fit families best.

Part of us working together as a team is when we spend time together during our staff meetings. As well as going over logistical items, we also spend time learning and sharing from each other. Unfortunately, COVID-19 has made these staff meetings a little more challenging, but virtual ones have worked when we can't be in-person.

The other great thing about this team is that we support each other in other ways too. During the pandemic "lockdown" we met weekly for awhile to do group Brain Gym® "balances". Sometimes these balances were led by Pam and sometimes by one of us coaches. But either way, we all helped each other through that challenging time. We stuck together like a family and helped each other. 

Other times, those balances might happen on a 1:1 basis. Coach-to-coach or coach-to-Pam. Knowing that you have support from someone else that "gets" what we do can be very empowering and helpful. We look out for one another and want to be sure the others are doing well.

Brain Fit staff are a family. Brain Fit staff and clients are an even bigger family. 

We're a family, we're a team. We're here to support each other, and we're here to support you. 

Let us show you our strengths- all of us.

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