Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Continuous Learning

I know this isn't everyone's game, but I enjoy learning new things.  New experiences, working and expanding my brain, trying out things I've never done before- it's fun for me. I was just at a training yesterday, and throughly enjoyed it!

Since working at Brain Fit Academy as a coach, I've had ample opportunities to learn new things.  Formally, I've learned about Primitive Reflex Integration, Brain Gym® and the Six Human Needs. And informally, I've learned about working with families, building relationships in different ways with kids and families, and even some information about the way businesses operate (entirely new to me-being a teacher!). These things I've mentioned is not a complete list either- so many things I can't even bring them all to mind!

At Brain Fit, it's not only the coaches that spend time learning.  
The kids learn, the parents learn and professionals learn also.  

You see- during sessions, parents are able to learn from the coaches.  We teach them about the reflexes we are working on with their children.  We teach them about the movements and how they can help their child.  We teach them about ways to work with their child at home and how to carry over the Brain Fit philosophies into their home.

The clients themselves (be they kids, teens or adults) also learn.  We teach them to notice their own bodies and how they move and feel. We teach them about the parts of the brain and how they affect behavior. We teach them about the Primitive Reflexes they are working on.  All of this, in a language and with vocabulary appropriate for the age of the client. 

We also offer adult classes at Brain Fit. Here, parents (like how I started) or professionals such as teachers or occupational therapists (really- anyone interested in learning!) can delve deeper into Primitive Reflexes and Brain Gym®. Or, perhaps learn about the 6 Basic Human Needs and how they affect behavior.  Adults can also gain access to such things as recorded webinars (coming soon!) that can help them, help their children (or themselves)!

In addition, we are also adding new videos to our YouTube Channel all the time- expanding upon the ways people can learn from us. We have 90 min. "Teddy Talks" and guided balances as well as informational videos and testimonials too!

Continuous learning- lifelong learning- can be an amazing way to expand your knowledge, broaden your horizons, and help those that you care about. 

If you are interested in learning more from Brain Fit Academy, we welcome you. 

We've got a lot of knowledge to share- come visit us!